

Welcome Pirates! This Newsletter is your monthly update on all things Englewood Basketball, from our feeder program through the high school teams.

Vision + Path + Purpose

Our Englewood Basketball Programs are about all the teams involved from players to coaches to parents. As this is our first newsletter we want to specifically introduce our Head High School Coaches and Feeder Team Director. Everything that we do as a coaching staff is about the players and their growth on and off the court. We know that so much time and energy goes into these programs and it’s never taken for granted.

Camps and Clinics
We’re continually connecting with the community in various ways and giving back by creating new opportunities for players to get better, which is a core value of ours. During the summer, the high school coaches have been hosting free clinics at local elementary schools. That allowed us to get to know more folks and help more players learn the game. Additionally, the youth feeder program is holding Sunday evening basketball clinics twice a month at the high school. You can find more information on our next clinic and tryouts below in the Events section.

Welcome! It means a lot to have you here. 

Words from our Coaches

Coach John

High School Boys

“We’ve been going all summer with over 70 hours of development opportunities for players which is more than we’ve done in my 7 years here. Turnout has been very good! There've been a lot of freshmen coming on board to be a part of the program and it's great to see them in the gym. For as young as we are, the attitude has been spot on. It’s great to have guys asking “what can I get better at”, “what does ____ mean”, and pushing themselves to frustration only to come back the next workout and get after it again.

When I started at Englewood, we would only have 1-3 players at offseason workouts and now it's been consistently 15-20+ (over 30 different players individually) that show up, while even adding more time in the weight room. We say it a lot; “We’re Pirates! We want nothing given, we’ll take what we earn.” The offseason is where we earn it, the season is when we take what's ours.

It means something to be here. Means something to represent our community which extends far beyond our town’s limits. Our school is rising and with pride and passion we carry the flag forward! Our work ethic and our togetherness are things no one can take away. Personally I’m an introverted guy so I’m thankful for this newsletter to speak about our team. I find it truly special. Let’s go!”

Coach Harper

High School Girls

“I am beyond excited to jump into year 2 as the Pirates’ Girls Coach. Last year, we were able to work on our style, build more confident players, and end the season with a 17-6 record. We are hoping to build on everything we started last year and level up both on and off of the court this season.

This summer started with a bang as we hosted 20 + little (grades 2-8) girls in the Fieldhouse for Pirate Girls Camp. Thank you to everyone who helped spread the word, participated, and donated their time. One of our many program goals is to get the ball in the hands of as many girls as possible as team sports builds self esteem, team work, and confidence. It is so exciting to hear about the turnout and possibilities with young girls at the youth level. Sign your kiddos up!

Thanks to our many concession stand patrons and sponsors we were also able to participate in a three day Gold Crown Tournament. There, we were able to see our bright spots, and areas of opportunity for our season ahead. Keep an eye out for upcoming fundraising and supporting opportunities as we press ahead toward the start of the season.

As Pirate Basketball Alumni, both Coach Martinez and myself, take great Pride in being a part of this program and lean into our roles as positive, strong, female role models for both girls and boys in the Pirate program.

Looking forward to the season ahead! Go Blue!

Coach Devereaux

Youth Feeder Teams

“Our feeder program provides an opportunity for those players that enjoy the game of basketball and look to play at a competitive level. We finished our eight clinic Summer Series in August. It was great to see all the new faces and I was impressed with the progress that the players made over the summer.

Players from our 8th grade team entered multiple 3on3 leagues this summer and were crowned champions of the JPS July/August league! This was our program's first championship and they achieved this accomplishment three months shy of our two year anniversary. The team set a lofty goal, worked smart, worked hard, and earned 1st place. Very proud coach here!

I am an alumni of Englewood High School and it has been a goal of mine to return to my hometown and provide a competitive sports option for players who are up for the challenge. Competitive youth sports had a large impact on my life and I am so thankful for the amazing coaches I had along the way. I strive to provide a consistent competitive basketball option that teaches players the game of basketball, the power of teamwork, and life skills that travel with them into all aspects of life.

We have a group of amazing volunteer coaches and will be offering teams for players from 2nd-8th grade (boys & girls). We provide a fun yet challenging experience with a small community feel. By keeping costs as low as possible, more players have access to our program. Tryouts will be held on September 10th and/or September 17th. Players can attend one or both days. For more information, register at the link below in our Events Section.

I look forward to a fun season ahead! GO PIRATES

Upcoming Dates and Events

Youth Clinic

Charles Hay World School
1221 E Eastman Ave, Englewood, CO

Join us: Sept 9th, 9am-Noon

It’s our last FREE youth clinic at one of the area Englewood elementary schools for the summer!

Youth Tryouts

Englewood Campus
3800 S Logan St, Englewood, CO

Join us:
Sept 10th and/or Sept 17th

Players can attend one or both days.

Pirate Fundraiser

The Englewood Tavern
4386 S Broadway, Englewood, CO

Join us: Sept 16th, 1pm - 6pm

Silent Auction and Fundraiser for all athletic programs at Englewood.

Supporter of the Month

Rick has been a long time supporter who generously gives back to Englewood, including our teams. When I (coach John) first got to Englewood he was the first to jump in and help our team out.

Located on Broadway in front of the high school he’s been a great supporter of us. Thank you Rick!

Looking to assist our teams?
We don't close doors on players who may lack the resources to cover the ever-rising cost of playing sports. Your support allows us to provide for the needs of our teams and players by giving them the opportunity to grow through participation and connecting to the larger community. It takes all of us!

